Time for a lighter world

We are here to keep food safe, while keeping the planet safe. Ecolean provides the world with lightweight packages for liquid food, for both ambient and chilled distribution.


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50% lighter

Our packages weigh less than other packages for liquid food, saving resources throughout the packages’ life-cycle.

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Stand out

A unique format will stand out on any supermarket or store shelf anywhere. And you will look innovative too.

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Easy to use

Seamlessly integrated into the consumers’ everyday life. Easy to open, easy to pour and completely flat when empty.


For all situations.

Ecolean is dedicated to keep food safe and fresh for longer, perfectly suited for a wide range of liquid food products.

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One package, two possibilities.



Some products need to be kept chilled throughout distribution and storage, in order for freshness to be preserved. Chill out, we got you covered.



Other products are sterilized in order to keep food fresh for longer, enabling it to travel longer distances. For this we have aseptic packaging systems.

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Full system supplier

The heart of the Ecolean packaging system is the filling machine, designed for efficient operations. When installing, setting up, operating and maintaining it, simplicity rules. Still, we offer a solid training program for all your operation and maintenance personnel. 


Our packaging solutions offer:

  • Ambient or chilled distribution.
  • Ready-to-fill packages distributed on reels, pre-converted and pre-sterilized.
  • Lower TCO (total cost of ownership).
  • Flexible Service Agreement
  • Ebeam – chemical free sterilization – no aluminum


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A totally original composition.

Lightweight packages saves resources and reduces your carbon footprint. The ultimate package for liquid food with no compromise on consumer convenience, stand-out effects or food safety.

Easy to open

A tear-off spout makes it easy to open and easy to pour from. For family-sized packages, our reclosing device SnapQuick™ can be added to close the package after opening. SnapQuick™ is probably the lightest reclosing device in the industry. Just fold and snap!

Easy To Use

Easy to empty

Thanks to the soft material a consumer can squeeze practically every last drop out of the package. When viscous products like yoghurt are sold in conventional 1.0 litre packages, nearly one deciliter stays in the package and is thrown away for no reason. Let’s start reducing food waste!

Easy To Empty

Air-filled handle

A smart air-filled handle is an important detail in the clever pitcher-like design. It gives the package a stiff back that makes it natural and easy to grasp. It facilitates pouring and holding while drinking from the package with a straw.

Easy To Use

Easy to use for everyone

All of Ecolean packages have been approved by the Swedish Rheumatism Association as easy to use and easy to pour from. We are very proud of this recognition! Everyone, no matter your age or hand strength should be able to use any package, don’t you think?

Easy To Use


A lightweight material

The 1.0 liter package weighs only 14 g but is strong and durable. Less use of raw materials means a lighter footprint.

Complete transparency

We provide the carbon footprint of all of our packages on our website, completely transparent and comparable.

World class sustainability

EcoVadis, a provider of sustainability ratings rates Ecolean as Platinum, top 1% of over 100,000 assessed companies.

Less food waste

Every year we waste 1,3 billion tons of food. Or enough to feed 3 billion people. By choosing a package that is easy to empty, you will help reduce food waste.

Less transport

Low waste volumes save considerable resources in the waste handling process, for example by reducing the need for waste transport. 

Life cycle approach

To provide safe and convenient packaging solutions with minimal environmental impact we always develop and produce using a full life cycle approach.


Customer case.

"It has definitely made a difference to the consumer because obviously there is a convenience angle that we are offering and the consumers are understanding that."

- Mr. Sarfaraz A Rehman, former CEO, Engro Foods.

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Olpers Eaa250ml


Olper’s, the wellknown FrieslandCampina Engro Foods dairy brand launched in Ecolean packages in 2013 on the Pakistan market. 

In 2013, Engro Foods in Pakistan was changing the brand position of their flagship brand Olper's and consequently looked for a convenient, modern and distinguished packaging solution. After switching to Ecolean, sales more than doubled in 18 months.

Olper's continues to successfully promote the Ecolean package through various channels. The communication is focused around convenience and the functionality of the packaging; easy to open, easy to tear and that it is uniquely microwaveable.


Company: FrieslandCampina Engro
Product: UHT - Milk
Country: Pakistan
Package: Ecolean® Air Aseptic 250ml and 1000ml

More happy customers

Hello Fresh

Hello Fresh

Ecolean’s lightweight packaging solutions have become part of HelloFresh’s meal kits, offering customers a more sustainable and convenient packaging option. HelloFresh is the world’s leading provider for meal kits and the Ecolean packages have so far been included in meal-kits distributed in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Denmark and the United Kingdom.

“We are very happy with the progress we have made in terms of sustainability in recent years. We want to offer people a fundamentally more sustainable way to buy and consume food,” says Tilman Eichstaedt, Senior Vice President International Product, Procurement and Sustainability at HelloFresh. “By switching to Ecolean’s lightweight packages, we are increasingly reducing the amount of plastic used in our meal kits.”


Company: Hello Fresh
Product: Creme fraiche & Sour cream
Country: Germany, Austria, Sweden, Denmark & UK
Package: Ecolean® Air 200ml



Well-known food company Nutifood in Vietnam offers kids and teens a series of drinking milk products packaged in Ecolean’s portion-sized, aseptic packages, to simultaneously boost nutrition and catch the eyes of the modern consumers.

“We choose Ecolean because it has a unique value proposition offering an innovative packaging, which is convenient to use, standing out in display and at the same time offers world-class food safety. It is both flexible and durable,” says Võ Hoàng Anh, Vice President Marketing, Nutifood.

“Today's consumers also take sustainability into account when thinking about the product or brand that they are going to buy. Ecolean packaging is standing out in that value as well”.


Company: Nutifood
Product: Flavoured milk, Jelly, Milk
Country: Vietnam
Package: Ecolean® Air Aseptic 125ml, 250ml


En Direct Des Éleveurs

The French brand, En Direct Des Éleveurs is offering regionally produced high-quality UHT-milk for regional consumption in a transparent, responsible and traceable way. The brand is offering a direct chain from the producer to the consumer and to ensure the tractability of the milk, a QR code on the package allows consumers to know which farm the milk originates from. The farmers are paid a higher litre price for their milk and it is also sold at a higher shelf price in retail at selected super- and hypermarkets in western France. The UHT-milk is packed in Ecolean® Air Aseptic 1000ml. It was chosen for its lightweight material, the unique shape, and convenient features. The packaging can also be reclosed thanks to the award-winning SnapQuick™.


Company: Sas De Nous à Vous
Product: UHT-Milk
Country: France
Package: Ecolean® Air Aseptic 1000ml

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